Fassifern Fangs


We are taking part in the 2024 IHF Park2Park fun run, conquering hills for a cause!

We are taking part in Park2Park to challenge ourselves and rise vital funds for healthcare here in our local community.

You support will help power innovative medical equipment, boost health promotion initatives, and drive local research and innovation.

Together, we’ll make a tangible difference in ensuring the best possible healthcare for our community.

Please help us reach our goal and let’s conquer hills for a cause together!

Thank you to our Sponsors


Trish Rimmer


Jane Diamond

Good luck


Louise Horneman-wren


Commercial Hotel


Erica Ryan


Tanaya Harvey





David Barnard




Martin And Pauline Oldfield

Go Erica, go!!


Martin And Pauline Oldfield

Go Ben go!!


Martin And Pauline Oldfield

Go Toby go!


Kim Baird


Cameron Baird


Shantel Fleming

Go Fassifern Fangs!!!


Mummy And Daddy


Timothy Heise


Benedict Power


Tamara Lawrance




Courtney Raymond


Kiyah Smith



Not much hunny but all helps


Jes Kerle

Family supports family 👊 you go girl!


Jordan Heise

There you go girl xx slay that run


Gloria Jones


Allie Heise


Shirley Zimmermann